DFI, like many other motherboard manufacturers, has finally decided that it's high time they produced an Athlon board. The AK70, thus, is the first generation of DFI motherboards to support the AMD Athlon microprocessor. Based upon the AMD IronGate 750/756 chipset, the AK70 stands slightly behind the technological times. By that we refer to the current mass adoption of newer, and more versatile chipset like the KX-133 from VIA. What affect will this situation have on the AK70's performance? Well, that's what we're here to determine folks...
The features
The DFI AK70 possess 5 PCI slots, 0 ISA slots, an AGP port, no AMR slot. Finally, there are 3 168-pin DIMM slots that can support upto 768MB of PC100 memory. We would have preferred to see at least 1 ISA slot on this board, but that hasn't proven to be the case...
Configuration of the AK70 is performed within the BIOS, as there are no jumpers on the board that are essential to that task. No option is given for adjusting the operating frequency of the processor.
Unfortunately, it is also impossible to adjust the processor's core voltage with this board.In short, this motherboard is little more or less than an exact copy of the original reference design put forth by AMD. Any one who owns an AK70, thus, will have to install a Goldfinger if they wish to Overclock the processor's frequency, or act on its core voltage.
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